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Showing posts from January 31, 2012


It seems like ages as I've had no Internet connection, but today is a happy day.... Yay!!! As usual with this stupid Blogger app the picci's aren't going to come out in order so bear with... Again !!! The shows been hard going on the old tootsies, but it's been fun, I've been meeting up with a few of my fav's :) :) The displays are stunning as usual, I'll fill you in more over the next couple of days, but for now here a few shots of some loveliness INCLUDING designs from our very own UK import Fabbi . You know who you are Hunni and Natalie sends you her love, she had nothing but gorgeous things to say about you. This is very rushed, sorry but it's because we're just about to start a class with MLS.... LOVE these girls :) Rick was in charge of the camera today the the shots may be interesting, actually he's better than me. So here goes for the picci's .... Enjoy the few...