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Showing posts from June 22, 2009


Yes it's that time of the month that I get together with my friend and shopping confidant Lyn. This time we hit Bluewater and what a lovely day we had, obviously it included purchasing pretty things and eating tasty things. As usual the tasty things included GARLIC BREAD and the pretty things included SHOES..and with a HEEL....ooh get me! After treking around for 6 hours and picking out bits and pieces our last stop was M & S.... In my search for a particular item of clothing I went upto a lady and asked her if this was the only floor that womenswear was on, she looked at me quizically and said "Uh" I repeated the question and she replied "toilets ? over there" So I asked the question one more time, saying it very slowly, and this time she understood me and replied "Yes, only this floor", "Thank -you" I replied, to which she replied "I don't work here, but your welcome". After being mortified, we couldn't stop laughing t...