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Showing posts from October 24, 2011


Tomorrow (25th October, sometimes this posts late) !!! is the first of the NEW Creative Keepsakes Shows on QVC, and to say I'm nervous AND excited is an understatement !!! So much thought has gone into this show and the products in it (all hand picked by myself and Sarah, one of the lovely buyers) It's aimed at Scrapbookers, beginners and advanced, let's face it if we scrap, we like to see anything associated LOL but we're also going to concentrate on Card makers and mini album enthusiasts... didn't want to leave you guys out !! So to get your mojo going I've done a little video tutorial HERE .  Then, next month Amy's doing one on the 25th November (I think that's the right date) So we hope we can encourage and inspire you and we would love your feedback. I sent a newsletter out today to all out newsletter subscribers, I know I know, about time !!! but in usual fashion I completely forgot a very important message... so here goes.... As from 1ST NOVE...